First blog post

1 minute read


I just got my first PhD paper published, which includes the publication of my first software. So I thought it was time to make my own site to organize these and future work.

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Deciphering the “m6A Code” via Antibody-Independent Quantitative Profiling

I’m very happy to come to the conclusion of a project, but I hope it will become a starting point, for me and for many others.

As a personal space probably this will be the best place to express it (not sure , but I just want to write this down now. It’s not like I won a Nobel Prize… yet, but I want to thank all the people that have been there for me, I really feel fortunate to be who I am, and for the journey that is my life. And I know it couldn’t be possible without all these wonderful people):

I want to thank all my advisors up to this point of my scientific career, I will always do. Claudia Segal, Enrique Hernández and now Schraga Schwartz. Each one of you has believed in me, taken me into your labs and nurtured my person. I will always be grateful for the lessons learned beneath your wings.

I’m more than thankful to my family, who are always supporting my journey and giving me motivation to keep doing what I love to do, even when is hard to do it, and so far away. Rocio, my mom; Rosa, my grand mother, I miss you very much and I love you with all my heart, at the end I’m doing this for me, but I hope that you find pride and joy in my own journey. Last but not least Gerardo, my best friend, my Maecenas, my North, and now my husband; I know it’s not been easy but in short we will be reunited at last, I love you <3.

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